
Applied Mechanics Objective Type Questions And Answers For Online Exam

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Applied Mechanics Objective type Questions and Answers
Applied Mechanics Objective type Questions and Answers 

Applied Mechanics MCQ Mechanical Engineering

1.Which of the following statement is correct? 
A) the engineering mechanics is a branch of chemical science. 
B) the engineering mechanics is a branch of applied science.
C) A and B both. 
D) none of the above.

Ans : B

2.Statics is a branch of engineering mechanics which deals with forces and their effects , while 
A) Acting upon the body at rest 
B) Acting upon a body in motion 
C) A and B both 
D) None of the above

Ans : A

3.Which engineering mechanics branch deals with force and their effects , while acting upon the bodies in motion.
A) Dynamics 
B) Statics 
C) Kinetics 
D) Kinematics 

Ans : A

4.fundamental units are 
A) length 
B) mass 
C) time 
D) all of the above 

Ans : D

5.what is the SI unit of force 
A) Meter 
B) Newton 
C) Kg/m3 
D) Wat

Ans : B

6.An idealization of a body that does not deform or change shape is called ……….. 
A) Body 
B) Metal 
C) Rigid body 
D) Solid material 

Ans : C

7. ………… can be understood as the amount of matter present in any object or body. 
A) Weight 
B) Mass 
C) Length 
D) Square

Ans : B

8. Which of the following statement is correct? 
(a) A force is an agent which produces or tends to produce motion. 
(b) A force is an agent which stops or tends to stop motion. 
(c) A force may balance a given number of forces acting on a body. 
d) Both (a) and (b). 

Ans : D 

9. The characteristics of a force is/ are: 
(a) Magnitude & Direction. 
(b) Nature of force. 
(c) The point at which (or through which) the force acts on the body. 
(d) All of the above. 

Ans : D

10.“If a force acts at any point on a rigid body, it may also be considered to act at any other point on its line of action, provided this point is rigidly connected with the body.” This is known as : 
(a) Principle of physical independence of forces 
(b) Principle of transmissibility of forces 
(c) System of forces 
(d) Composition of forces 

Ans. B

11. The forces, whose lines of action lie on the same plane, are known as coplanar forces. 
(a) Coplanar forces 
(b) Coplanar concurrent forces 
(c) Concurrent forces 
(d) Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces 

Ans. a 

12. The forces, which meet at one point, are known as _________. This force may or may not be collinear. 
a) Coplanar concurrent forces 
b) Non-coplanar concurrent forces 
c) Concurrent forces 
d) Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces 

Ans. c 

13. The forces, which meet at one point and their lines of action also lie on the same plane, are known as: 
(e) Coplanar concurrent forces 
(f) Concurrent forces 
(g) Non-coplanar concurrent forces 
(h) Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces 

Ans. a 

14. The forces, which meet at one point, but their lines of action do not lie on the same plane, are known as: 
(a) Concurrent forces 
(b) Coplanar concurrent forces 
(c) Non-coplanar concurrent forces 
(d) Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces 

Ans. c 

15. If a number of forces are replaced by a single force which would produce the same effects, then it is called: 
 (a) Composition of forces 
(b) Resultant force 
(c) Coplanar forces 
(d) Concurrent forces 

Ans. b 

16. If two forces, acting simultaneously on a particle, be represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram; their resultant may be represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram, which passes through their point of intersection.
(a) Composition of forces 
(b) Parallelogram law of forces 
(c) Resultant force 
(d) Principle of resolution 

Ans. b 

17.The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a no. of forces, in a given direction, is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction.
(a) Composition of forces 
(b) Resultant force 
(c) Principle of resolution 
(d) Parallelogram law of forces 

Ans. c 

18.The resultant of two forces P and Q acting at an angle θ is equal to: 
(a) √P² + Q ² + 2PQsinθ 
(b) √P ² + Q ² + 2PQcosθ 
(c) √P ² + Q ² – 2PQsinθ 
(d) √P ² + Q ² – 2PQcosθ 

Ans. b

19.Formula for method of resolution for the resultant force is: 
(a) R =√ (Σ H) 2+ (ΣV) 2 
(b) R = (Σ H) 2+ (ΣV) 2 
(c) R =√ (Σ H) 2 - (ΣV) 2 
(d) R = (√Σ H) 2+ (√ΣV) 2 

Ans. a 

20.tan θ for method of resolution for the resultant force is: 
(a) tan θ = ΣH / ΣV 
(b) tan θ =( ΣV) 2 / (ΣH) 2 
(c) tan θ = ( ΣH)2 / (ΣV)2 
(d) tan θ = ΣV / ΣH 

Ans. d 

21.Two forces of 100 N and 150 N are acting simultaneously at a point. What is the resultant of these two forces, if the angle between them is 45°? 
(a) 232 N 
(b) 230 N 
(c) 235 N 
(d) 237 N 

Ans. a 

22.Two forces act at an angle of 120°. The bigger force is of 40 N and the resultant is perpendicular to the smaller one. Find the smaller force. 
(a) 35 N ; 15 N 
(b) 40 N ; 20 N 
(c) 45 N ; 25 N 
(d) 50 N ; 30 N 

Ans. b 

23.Find the magnitude of the two forces, such that if they act at right angles, their resultant is √10 N . But if they Act at 60°, their resultant is √13 N .
(a) 5 N ; 3 N 
(b) 3 N ; 2 N 
(c) 7 N ; 5 N 
(d) 3 N ; 1 N 

Ans. d 

24.Find the resultant of two forces equal to 50 N and 30 N acting at an angle of 60°. 
(a) 65 N ; 20.9° 
(b) 80 N ; 22.7° 
(c) 70 N ; 21.8° 
(d) 60 N ; 19° 

Ans. c 

25.Two forces of 80 N and 70 N act simultaneously at a point. Find the resultant force, if the angle between them is 150°. 
(a) 106.3 N ; 61° 
(b) 105.3 N ; 60° 
(c) 107 N ; 63° 
(d) 104 N ; 58° 

Ans. a 

26.Find the resultant of two forces 130 N and 110 N respectively, acting at an angle whose tangent is 12/5. 
(a) 187.4 N ; 31.5° 
(b) 185.7 N ; 30.5° 
(c) 180.7 N ; 29.5° 
(d) 189.5 N ; 32.5° 

Ans. b 

27.A push of 180 N and pull of 350 N acts simultaneously at a point. Find the resultant of the forces, if the angle between them be 135°. 
(a) 500 N ; 35° 
(b) 498 N ; 32° 
(c) 494 N ; 30° 
(d) 490 N ; 28° 

Ans. c 

28.Find the angle between two equal forces P, when their resultant is equal to (i) P and (ii) P/2 
(a) 128° ; 159° 
(b) 122° ; 155° 
(c) 118° ; 150° 
(d) 120° ; 151° 

Ans. d 

29.Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the concurrent forces of 8 N, 12 N, 15 N and 20 N making angles of 30°, 70°, 120°.25 and 155° respectively with a fixed line. 
(a) 39.5 N ; 111.7° 
(b) 41.5 N ; 112.7° 
(c) 38.6 N ; 110.3° 
(d) 36.3 N ; 108.5° 

Ans. a 

30.Find magnitude of the resultant force, if 30, 40, 50 and 60 N forces are acting along the lines joining the centre of a square to its vertices. 
(a) 29.5 N 
(b) 27.7 N 
(c) 28.3 N 
(d) 23.9 N 

Ans. c 

31.The forces 20 N, 30 N, 40 N, 50 N and 60 N are acting at one of the angular points of a regular hexagon, towards the other five angular points, taken in order. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. 
(a) 150.4 N ; 74.4° 
(b) 155.8 N ; 76.6° 
(c) 157.2 N ; 78.9° 
(d) 160.7 N ; 80.3° 

Ans. b 

32. The following forces act at a point : (i) 20 N inclined at 30° towards North of East, (ii) 25 N towards North, (iii) 30 N towards North West, and (iv) 35 N inclined at 40° towards South of West. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. 
(a) 46.7 N ; 134.1° 
(b) 42.4 N ; 130.4° 
(c) 40.3 N ; 128.5° 
(d) 45.6 N ; 132.3° 

Ans. d 

33.A horizontal line PQRS is 12 m long, where PQ = QR = RS = 4 m. Forces of 1000 N, 1500 N, 1000 N and 500 N act at P, Q, R and S respectively with downward direction. The lines of action of these forces make angles of 90°, 60°, 45° and 30° respectively with PS. Find the magnitude, direction and position of the resultant force. 
(a) 3765 N ; 59.8° 
(b) 3777 N ; 63.2° 
(c) 3780 N ; 64.7° 
(d) 3782 N ; 63.5° 

Ans. a 

34.A triangle ABC has its side AB = 40 mm along positive x-axis and side BC = 30 mm along positive y-axis. Three forces of 40 N, 50 N and 30 N acts along the sides AB, BC and CA respectively. Determine magnitude of the resultant of such a system of forces. 
(a) 38.6 N 
(b) 30.2 N 
(c) 35.8 N 
(d) 32.9 N 

Ans. c

35. If the resultant of two forces P and Q acting at an angle (α) with P, then: 
a) tan α = P sin θ/P + Q cos θ 
b) tan α = P cos θ/P + Q cos θ 
c) tan α = Q sin θ/P + Q cos θ 
d) tan α = Q cos θ/P + Q cos θ 

Ans. c 

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